One of the challenges a mom faces when considering a Mommy Makeover is the guilt that involves the surgery. This guilt comes in three main forms. Let’s explore them together. Guilt About:


Taking time away to recover

Thinking of herself and her own desires

Any mom can always think of a better use for the money than the surgery costs. New shoes, college education, that special toy the child wants, something for the house…the list can go on and on. Very rarely does a mom consider her own wishes in that long list of good uses for money.  True a mommy makeover is an investment, but it is one that is more than worthwhile. It’s the type of investment that typically is made once and is maintained for the rest of the mom’s life. Without going into all the touchy-feely aspects of your deservedness, if you’re like any mom that spent nine months growing a child in her belly, has gone through the delivery process, and has started raising of the child/children you are more than deserving of something special for yourself.

Many mom struggle with taking time for themselves… Even for a cup of coffee or a hot bath let alone multiple days to recover from surgery.  While it’s true that some logistics may be involved in coordinating care for the children, the house, and for all of your other duties you have as a mom, just know it is possible. And worthwhile. This short period of recovery is worth a lifetime of results. Once a significant other or family member can appreciate the long term results, they are usually willing pitch in for this short time period of recovery.

Very rarely do moms think about themselves and their own desires. As a father, this doesn’t seem to be as big of a challenge for us men. But as a mom, it seems counter to the culture of being a mother.  I think this is the most dangerous of the three concerns about guilt. When dealing with children, who are selfish by nature, it might be easy to be swept up in their whole world and lose your own identity. This is dangerous. Instead, I like to have my patients stop and DREAM a little about what life would look like after a mommy makeover transformation. After years of sacrifice, a mommy makeover is a chance of do something for yourself. I think that is very healthy… And a healthy mom is much better able to manage her family than someone who is struggling  to keep her own identity.

Permission needs to be granted by the individual mom for herself. That being said, sometimes it is helpful to hear how other moms have succeeded in this, and sort of, get their permission, so to speak. I encourage each of our new patients to allow some of my previous patients to reach out to them and share their experience of their Mommy Makeover. Sometimes it’s comforting to hear it from other moms who have struggled with this decision, just as they might be. Our patients are so great that many volunteer for this first without ever being approached by my staff.

In my #1 Amazon Best Selling book, The Mommy Makeover:Restoring Your Body After Childbirth, I explore further the idea of a mom granting herself permission to consider surgery. Many anecdotes from my patients are shared throughout the book and other struggles that moms deal with are brought to life as well. Topics like how to talk with your kids about surgery to ensure a positive body image is maintained, timing for a Mommy Makeover, the safety of the surgery and much more. I invite you to click  for the first 3 chapters FREE download  or visit amazon to purchase the entire book.

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