
Maintaining Your Makeover

It's probably no surprise that the maintenance of your new body will require continued dedication to a healthy lifestyle. As a mom who has gone through pregnancy and then worked to improve your body after pregnancy, you’re no doubt very familiar with what foods...

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Vote for American Beauty

While today is election day, and we may not all agree who we should vote for to be the next president, I think we can all agree on one vote…to vote for our own beauty. Either way we look at it, a vote to increase our beauty is a vote to increase our happiness. A vote for b...

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Discussing the Operation with Your Children

You've made the decision; you’re going through with your Mommy Makeover! Or at least, you’ve made up your mind - but have you started to talk about the operation with your family? Many of my patients have at least one child and most of the time these...

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Hair + Attractive Spouse = White House: A Historical Perspective and a November Prediction

While we all have our partisan views, as Americans, we all want a president who is confident, competent, and can exhibit true leadership skills. But Americans also have a preoccupation with a soon-to-be spouse's looks and the future president's hair. As we'll look back through ti...

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Choosing the Right Surgeon Makes All the Difference

Choosing the Right Surgeon Makes All the DifferenceLet's say you’ve decided to make time for yourself and do something for you - congratulations! Making that step can be hard for some, but once you have, the time comes to find the right doctor who will tre...

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