Yes, you had good intentions this summer. We all did. Your wore the proper sunscreen, bought a floppy hat, avoided baking in the sun, kept hydrated, and the list goes on and on. Yet, fall is on the horizon and we bet you’re now noticing your skin could use a little refresher before “Pumpkin Spice” season hits.

You might feel that your skin is dry, a little rough, and you might have more pigmentation than you did in the spring. But not to worry! With the right products and treatments, you can have your skin soft, smooth, and glowing before your first PTA meeting.

The Six Best MCPS Fall Skin Care Tips

Cleanse – Normalize skin with a gentle or hydrating cleanser that enables your skin to retain moisture during the cleansing process. Exfoliate – Speed up the cellular renewal process and remove rough, dry skin caused by summer activities. Proper exfoliation helps to prevent clogged pores, brightens and evens skin tone, stimulates healthy circulation and facilitates pH balancing as well as revealing smoother texture. We LOVE the effects of healthy exfoliation! Oil Control/Tone – Restore the pH levels in your skin to enable the skin’s natural functions to perform properly and enhance product penetration for maximized results. Correct – Use products that treat specific skin conditions such as hyperpigmentation caused by intense summer sun exposure. Be sure to consult your skin therapist about safe brightening ingredients. Protect – Just because the summer is coming to an end doesn’t mean the need for SPF ends as well! Anytime your skin is exposed to the sun – driving to work, going for a jog, walking the dog, or taking the kids to the park – you are at risk for sun damage which ages your skin. We recommend using a broad-spectrum SPF 30 for your face all year round. This fights free radical damage and protects the investment you’ve made in your skin care regimen and treatment protocol. Restore Lost Collagen – Sun exposure is a main offender in the anti-aging fight because sunlight actually breaks down collagen at a higher rate than the aging process alone. Scheduling a treatment like Micro-needling with a licensed professional will help to restore your body’s collagen levels and encourage collagen production, which slows with age.

By following the steps we’ve outlined, you’ll have the other moms at the PTA asking how you managed to look younger this year! For a personal consultation, with our licensed skin care therapist, call us today at 615-567-5716


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